26 May 2010

Do you ever feel that you are  running low on common sense? That the space it generally rents out in your brain has become completely occupied by information and decisions…? The ability to make a decision based on emotion, rather than fact, has also been asked to leave. I wonder if you can ask it to come back sometime…you know, when work calms down and terrifying episodes are over with, can you ask it to come back so you can start feeling things again? Just feel them, without analyzing them, or investigating the myriad of potential outcomes instead of just saying yes. Can you pretend, and just say yes, even if you can’t feel anything… is that a sign that you’re open to wanting it back for real? Or should you just wait, and hope, that someday, life will be more than just a decision (Again, I hope this makes some kind of sense).


Don said...

I feel this way more times than not. It pretty much comes from the fact that I have made decisions based on emotion opposed to "the intelligent choice." At times, I knew the want to follow my heart would perhaps be my downfall. True enough, in some instances, emotional decisions were my downfall.

Now, since being snake bitten, more times than not, I try to approach life in a more thought processing manner. It doesn't always fare well, but I do not tend to question my decisions, as much.

Daij said...

I know what you mean. I have made so many mistakes--to so many wrong paths. I just have to listen more to God- to have Him direct my paths.

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Yes sometimes God does will certain thinks worse before better. The darkest point in the tunnel before the light.

Anonymous said...

Are you an architect yet?

Daij said...

lol no, not yet!

25champ said...

I def feel this poest so many people chose heart vs brain including myself. We tend to feel less compansionate when we use our brain so alot of our ill advised decisions of matters of the heart. Great Post!

Anonymous said...

what's the hold up?

Daij said...

i'm taking classes this summer

Anonymous said...

Go you! Even though we don't know each other, I'm proud of you!