15 February 2010

in today's news

Teen girl beaten while security guards watch:

Maybe it's me, but, rules or no rules, any decent human being would have come forward to help the girl that's getting beat up. At least me- I would have put a stop to it. It's a matter of common decency. You don't walk by or stand and do nothing while a helpless individual is getting beat up.  I wouldn't have observed it and stood there doing nothing but making phone calls to the police department.  There is nothing the security guard's office can say to defend their actions, or 'inactions'. 
It really saddens me, the world my nephew, God-daughter, and future kids are growing up in.

1 comment:

Don said...

That is sad. I watched this video three times. At first, the attacker was getting what she deserved. Then, she gained the ups.

Scary @ how the security guards just stood and watched.

Last days, I swear.