09 November 2010

"Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."
                       --Satchel Paige


Don said...

Paige had the right idea.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Daij said...

you're right, Don!

Renaissance Man said...

Good quote, but I'd like to point out that God is delighted when God's children pray. If, as a child, we only pray when we need something we are living as a small child. If, in God's grace, we mature as Christians and pray without ceasing (in good times and in bad), then our blessing is perhaps greater as is our awareness of the grace and unmerited kindness of our Creator. Nonetheless, most people have an "I need something relationship with God".

The point must be that there is so much more waiting for all of God's children. It may be harder to pray as time goes along if we don't develop a practice of the presence of God, but never, never feel that you cannot go to God in prayer. The saying is harsh; God is... not... like us.