24 March 2010

1000 Awesome things

999-   Thinking you did something wrong at work  and  then  finding out that someone else insisted that they    made the error.
998-   Finding a 20-dollar bill on the bathroom floor at the mall
997-   Paying a bill the day before it’s considered late, and finding out you’re actually a month ahead
996-  Being able to find my God-daughter beautiful dresses @Macy’s and finding them on the clearance rack
995-  Having lost 10lbs in 5 weeks and being able to wear more clothes in my closet
994-  Sleeping in on Saturday mornings

1 comment:

Paul Benjamin said...

I love it when #999 happens! haha

#997 would be really nice if this could actually happen to me.

#994 is one of my favorite things ever!