31 March 2010

Lean not to thine own understanding

We, as humans are inquisitive. We seek to understand, to make sense of the things that occur in our world. As kids we leaned to ask our parents who, what, when, where, why, and how.

Everything isn't meant to be understood. There are things that occur that defy all logic, things that occur every day, in our life, that we just need to accept, as miraclesof God's doing.
Did you know that according to 20th century folklore, the laws of aerodynamics prove that the bumblebee should be incapable of flight, as it does not have the capacity (in terms of wing size or beats per second) to achieve flight with the degree of wing loading necessary ?
Not being aware of scientists "proving" it cannot fly, the bumblebee succeeds under "the power of its own ignorance". The origin of this myth has been difficult to pin down with any certainty. John McMasters recounted an anecdote about an unnamed Swiss aerodynamicist at a dinner party who performed some rough calculations and concluded, presumably in jest, that according to the equations, bumblebees cannot fly. In later years McMasters has backed away from this origin, suggesting that there could be multiple sources, and that the earliest he has found was a reference in the 1934 French book Le vol des insectes; they had applied the equations of air resistance to insects and found that their flight was impossible, but that "One shouldn't be surprised that the results of the calculations don't square with reality". According to wikipedia

To reiterate, everything isn't meant to be understood. There are things that occur that defy all logic, things that occur every day, in our life, that we just need to accept, as miracles of God's doing.

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