22 March 2010

"Women hold up half the sky."
  --Mao Zedong

This evening I was at the gym, and while on the stationery  bike I was reading this article  called Gendercide from The Economist (click here) about China and India's preference for boys over girls (and the aborting of female fetuses), and the author mentioned the above quote, and my mother and sister immediately came to mind.

Women hold up half the sky...Thank God, they do....In some situations, women do more than their fair share of 'holding up the sky.' That's a tiring job.   My mother for example. I can't even imagine where my sister and I would be, had my mother not stepped up to the plate to be both  mother and father and nurse and chauffeur and maid and counselor and everything else in between. My sister is the same in her household as well. 



Rich Fitzgerald said...

Because of what my mother represents to me is why I'm a lover of and fighter for women. We wouldn't be half the men we are without them -- the good ones that is.

Daij said...

Very true!