26 March 2010

" Even miracles take a little time."
                 -- Unknown Author

What I’ve found is that storms of life are used by God.
 Sometimes they are a really good test of whether my life is well grounded in Him. Sometimes God uses them to tear down our idols. Sometimes I think they are the enemy trying to break us, and cause us to turn from God, like he tried to do with Job. But any way you look at it, storms end up being two things.

Terrifying and beautiful.

So, I’ve grown to appreciate storms for what they represent.
Every time a storm hits, I can rest assured that God is doing something in my life.
 I love art that depicts both the beauty and the power of a storm.

Storms and hard times = suffering for the sake of the Kingdom.
Beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
In these pictures, I see how God wants to empower me through the storms of life.

After all, He usually takes us through them rather than around them.

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