05 October 2010

As I'm up in the air somewhere between Oregon and Colorado, en route to Wisconsin, I'm thinking about and praying for a close friend, who is right now, at the funeral for her 19 year old grandson who was gunned down in yet another senseless act of violence (click here) . I had to pause to say a prayer for her,  her family and loved ones.
This is another example of the fragility of life. Tomorrow isn't promised to us and when it hits close to home it makes it even more important for me to tell my loved ones that I love them. I am so glad I decided a couple months ago to surprise my mom by coming home for her 68th birthday. It will mean the world to her, I know it will.

You never know when the last time you tell someone you love them is the last time.

I had spent every single Thanksgiving  of my life at my Grandfather's house in Bourges, Quebec (though the holiday isn't on the same day in Canada). The one Thanksgiving that I decided to stay in The States because my girlfriend at the time wanted me to stay home, my grandfather passed away two days later.

If this entry inspires you to tell your family, best and close friends and other loved ones that you love them, then I'm glad   :)

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