12 October 2010

Question of the day

Is it possible to be happy and not know it?


Michelle Amiee said...

Yes, I think so. Sometimes when I'm stressing about my so-called "problems", I stop and realize how fortunate I really am compared to others around the world. I realize that even in all my whining I am relatively happy compared to others. That even in my moments in stress, I have friends and (some) family who keep me smiling. This sort of creates this domino effect of me feeling even happier, lol. Of course, everything is relative, but still..

Val said...

I think it's possible to overlook things or people that can make us happy. But I think it would be pretty hard to be happy and not know it.

Daij said...

@ Michelle, I was wondering about this question when it popped in my head. I wasn't sure it was true, but I guess it is.

Moanerplicity said...

Good question.

Ansa: Yes. Many of us were HAPPY & Beautiful in our youth, but in our divine ignorance, we didn't really KNOW it... nor did we have the ability & life experience to

It's very true that line about 'youth being wasted on the young.'
