19 October 2010

there's a crack in the pavement

I take the train to work. It's twice as long as driving, but it's free to those that work at my company and so I save on gas. I finally get the chance to read books I'm always buying but don't have the time to read.
Most of the time the train is so packed that it's not even standing room only. Sometimes I'm lucky to find a seat, and eventually the person I'm seated next to gets off at their stop, leaving the seat next to me free for people to sit down. To be nice and courteous to whoever might want to sit down, I keep my gym bag on my lap, but no one ever does.

The purpose of this entry is to tell you that I found a way to have the seat next to me free my entire trip, on my way to work and on the way home, five days a week.

By being black.  I have a friend at work that has experienced the same phenomena. He's black too.

This morning, a man was on crutches, standing  next to the empty seat on the train. He got on the train 2 stops after me.  I told him the seat  next to me was free.  He said:
"That's alright. I have a few stops."
I said, "Ok."

He stood until the train reached his stop--
The stop before mine.  


Val said...

You're not alone.

Read these;



Daij said...

Thank you Val, for sending me those links! I just read the first one, and it's as if I had written it myself! Appreciate it. So I am not alone. It doesn't really bother me. I love the extra space. It's just so odd when the train is usually so packed.
Thanks again

Anonymous said...

Powerful post. Sad that you are experiencing that.

Daij said...

Thanks Michael. It doesn't bother me. I get to stretch out during my trip. If they want to stand, it's their problem. I think it's strange. I just got back from an Obama rally to support the Democratic candidate for Governor, and with me being the only black person in my crowded train compartment, I had the seat next to me free again! And the train was jampacked, to see President Obama!

Val said...


Another post on this subject;
