15 October 2010

I once wrote a poem per request of a friend who was getting married. She loved the poem and she asked me to recite it as part of her wedding program. Upon hearing it, her mother in-law began to suspect that perhaps she and I had had a past that her son should know about.  She felt that the poem was written by someone who knew her daughter in-law ‘biblically’ (her words). She was wrong. I just knew my friend, and I knew about her search for love and all the losers she had come across and how happy we both were that she had found a man that God had designed just for her. ..


Gorgeous_Puddin said...

It's beautiful that you were able to know someone so well to write something so deep! Side eye to his mother for being a hater!

You are very talented!

Daij said...


thank you. i've seen the losers she used to date, and she cried on my shoulder man times. i was so happy that she found someone who loves and respects her and treats like a queen.

thank you