11 October 2010

Something some people don't understand

"American culture is more than just a narrow medley of European culture with non-Western accents."
                               --Malcolm X

 My sentiments exactly. On a daily basis, this quote becomes relevant to me; it's on my mind when social choices (rock and country music bars or concerts, brew fests,  and german restaurants) are made by others, assuming that I might want to participate all the time. When I add my two cents ( r & b, hip hop, jazz clubs, soul food or ethiopian restaurants, etc) every now and then, the response is always met with silence  followed by a unanimous resistence, and if  I don't want to participate with their ideas, I'm being anti-social .


Don said...

That appears to be the new word nowadays. Lol. I too hear it more times than not. I actually heard it today when I wouldn't attend an event with my girlfriend.

She put me in a nice little box for her own convience, I imagine.

Wonder Man said...

I feel you on this

Daij said...

Thanks man

Michelle Amiee said...

Wow - I am 150% with you on this. This is exactly what goes through my mind constantly. As much as I love all of my friends, I often find myself frustrated by what I see as their shallow Western European un-diverse interests. But then I have remind myself that everyone is entitled to their own interests and that I can't hold everyone to my own high standards. That's tough, but I TRY to swallow my frustrations and engage with other like minded individuals as much as possible. That helps.

Daij said...

Thanks Michelle!