10 October 2010

objective achieved

 "Damn, does your halo ever get heavy?"
A relative (who forgets birthdays and mothers days) said to me this week.
I am far from perfect. But I'm loyal to people who are loyal to me, and I remember the days and events that are important to them. 
It's not hard to do.


Gorgeous_Puddin said...

That person needs to stop drinking the Hateraide and do better!

The art of appreciation is being lost in selfishness! Keep doing you!

In the last year I've let a whole slew of folk go after realizing they do NOT appreciate me. The onesidedness became burdensome.

BigmacInPittsburgh said...

Agree,my time is too valueable to waste it on people places or things that bring me no value.

Daij said...

Thank you both, Goegeous Puddin and Big Mac. My sister and mom aren't close, and it really saddens my mom that my sister (who lives an hour away) doesn't do any thing for her birthday and does nothing for mothers day either, but has an issue when people comment on how good my mom has been to her. If there are any days of the day that I will remember, its those 2 days. But you know, my mom always says 'you reap what you sow.' Lord knows I need blessings!